Welcome to Blethr
Companion And Therapist
Welcome To Blethr
Blethr is a unique conversational technology. It uses trusted and proven therapeutic processes to provide you with a private and secure conversational space. The conversational space that Blethr creates for you enables you to understand your deeper feelings and explore your wider options. It is future-focused, helping you to become who you truly want to be. Blethr is free for anyone to talk to, so please feel free to share Blethr with anyone who might like to speak whenever about whatever is on their mind.
Just A Blethr
The Just A Blethr app gives you the opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind. Just answer the questions being asked, and see where the conversation might take you Type your answers in to have a conversation about whatever, whenever. Try not to have preconceptions and be open to what emerges for you.
Deeper Blethr
The Deeper Blethr app helps you to explore your deeper feelings. Just answer the questions being asked, taking your time to let your deeper feelings surface. Type your answers in to have a conversation to explore your deeper feelings. Try not to have preconceptions and be open to what emerges for you.